Petra (aka "Mombird") soaring near nest.
One of the fledglings from years past--Skylar, by name--just 36 hours after he left the nest.
Spotting scopes trained on the nest.
Lots of high-tech equipment--connected, in places, with duct tape! (2015)
Latest and greatest, most streamlined and FOV-appropriate set-up! There is a cement pier sunk in the ground, and Jim fashioned a metal mounting pole for the new scope; this thing is SOLID.
Jim Hammond and Leslie Lawrence in the gazebo with the cam set-up.
Thanks to Jim Hammond for making this slide showing the location of the nest!
The first year that the cam was set up, one of the fledglings fell out of the nest at 5 weeks of age--before it could fly. Forrest recovered the body, and took this picture.
This is not one of "our" eagles, but gives a good idea of scale. These birds have a 6-9 foot wing span!
Golden Eagle Camera on Whychus Creek Sisters, OR